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Maria Athanassiou

Maria Athanassiou

OptiMAStem Cell Technologies


A cancer patient, survivor, advocate and scientist, National and International award-winner for research, scientific writing, presentation and innovation in translational and regenerative medicine, I am an unconventional thinker, who finds solutions to complex scientific and real-life problems with precision. Invite me to give a talk or webinar on "Cancer Metabolism and the Cure for Cancer" or "Human Adult Stem Cell Technologies" for your group and let's work together.

Research Interest

oncology; immunology; cancer metabolism and related drugs; transcriptional control and signaling in solid tumors and lymphomas; epithelial and cancer stem cell biology; genomics; biomarkers; therapeutics; pre-clinical development; clinical research outcome evaluation; toxicology; regulation of chemicals. Diversely experienced manager of finances and logistics supporting scientific research.