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Amelie Mc Fadyen

Amelie Mc Fadyen

Executive Director
University of Quebec in Montreal


Executive Director/ CEO of HPV Awareness/Corporation HPV Awareness December 2014 - Present (11 months) Research assistant/ Research Assistant in Canada research Chair in Health Education, 2009 - November 2014 (5 years) Coordinator of the project "Strengthening community-university partnership to offer men who have sex with men of Burkina Faso an HIV prevention program adapted culturally." - Project Coordinator "Phoenix / GPS": Identify the process adaptation of two HIV prevention programs for MSM speaking French in Quebec and English speaking MSM in Ontario - Research assistant on the project "SPOT": rapid HIV test for MSM Program Leader / Program Facilitator, Maison Plein Coeur, September 2010 - December 2012 (2 years 4 months) Moderator of the Phoenix program, which combines eroticism and risk reduction. Program for HIV-positive men who have sex relationships with other men.

Research Interest

HPV Awareness Corporation / Corporation HPV Awareness