International conference on Human Papillomavirus
Chicago, USA
Biography: Piyush Gupta
HPV infection is a silent killer and more than that it is often considered as a taboo due to lack of awareness in developing countries like India on account of its linkage with sex and playing havoc on the females causing cancer cervix which has emerged as the leading one leaving the breast cancer behind which was supposed to be more common in Urban area on account of the prevalent life style. Early marriage, early pregnancy and multiple births further deteriorate the scenario. Females who have been inflicted with cancer cervix need moral support other than the treatment itself thus emphasizing on the role of palliative care which is often lacking. While post exposure to HPV it takes years to cause Cancer Cervix it was really puzzling that most patients came to the doctors in advance stages due to lack of awareness about the killer which can easily be restrained by improving the immunity and early detection. Community awareness in an introvert society poses a challenge which has been effectively handled through specially designed awareness campaigns by Cancer Aid Society. Role of HPV in vulvo-vaginal, anal and oral cancer cannot be ignored however it has not been prominent in the data sampling covered, may be due to cultural differences.