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International conference on Human Papillomavirus

Chicago, USA

Paulo Naud

Paulo Naud

Hospital Clinicas De Porto Alegre, Brazil

Title: HSIL treatment with SEMMs device


Biography: Paulo Naud


This is a collaborative study with the World Health Organization to use SEMMs device in Latin America. Ablative methods are used to treat cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN's) and among them, cryotherapy is the most used worldwide. Other ablative treatment modality is termocoagulador which have resolution rates similar to cryotherapy with the advantage of being portable, small, powered and having a self-sterilization system. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness and safety of termocoagulador for the treatment of CIN's 2 and 3 after histologic result of HSIL. A prospective study (cohort) including women with cervical intraepithelial high grade lesion (HSIL) treated with thermocoagulation was conducted in the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre. Patients as the WHO Protocol were followed by 1 year with cytopathology (CP), colposcopy and biopsy if necessary. Among 70 patients 55 (78.5%) had normal pap smears and 15 abnormal pap smears (7 ASCUS, 2 ASC-H, 1 unsatisfactory, 2 abnormalities of epithelial cells, 1 CIN 2/3, 1 LSIL, 1 HSIL). The study showed that the termocoagulador is highly effective and safe but studies are still limited. The cure rate in this study was similar to those found with other ablative methods (cryotherapy) and excisional. Furthermore, it is an inexpensive treatment, without anesthesia or analgesia, running on electricity and self-sterilizing system.